Why Do Cats Like to Sleep up High?

We all know cats can be fussy creatures and this attitude extends to their sleeping habits as well.  Many owners have gone out and bought plush, expensive beds only for their pampered cats to refuse to sleep on them.  Are they just being fussy or is there an ulterior motive for this behavior?

Whether it’s the top of the refrigerator, a cat perch, the highest shelf on a bookcase, or the top of the cushions on the couch most cats enjoy being in high places and cherish those elevated locations.  Your cat may feel more comfortable in the upper half of the room where they can keep an eye on the world around and below them with greater confidence.  Instinct plays a huge role in determining feline habits and most cats prefer to sleep and hang out in places with good vantage points.  This comes from their instinct to protect themselves and being up high gives cats the advantage of spotting potential dangers.  Much of this comes from their ancestors since early cats were hunters that lived in the wild, and their ability to climb meant they had somewhere to retreat to away from larger predators in addition to giving them the ability to hunt for their prey high in the branches.  Since this instinct has been passed down, this is why climbing and being up high is natural for our cats.

Cats may also prefer small, enclosed places, especially when sleeping.  This also comes from their instinct to feel protected.  Many cats, including my own, love to sleep in boxes that are enclosed on all sides. My cats even love it when I close the top, they can still get out, but they get some peace and quiet.  

Once your cat finds the perfect place to sleep, they may be happy there for a bit.  But do not be surprised if after a few months your cat switches places.  The reason for this is only speculation, but experts think that it is driven by the fact that cats are notoriously clean animals; they dislike dust, dirt and even saturated smells.  So if the area in which they were sleeping becomes too dirty or the scent changes, they will probably begin their hunt for their new favorite spot.

Let’s dive into details on some of the reasons our cats love elevated perches.

More Visual Warning Time for Your Cat
When your cat is perched high they can easily see more of their environment.  The ability to see an opponent or predator entering the area can provide your cat with enough time to plan their escape, remain quiet and hidden, prepare an attack or determine the threat level of the approaching animal or human.

A Way for a Cat to Display Status
In a multicat environment, a higher ranking cat may choose the highest elevated location to display their position within a grouping.  When there is tension between cats, the higher ranking cat may assume an elevated position to show status which can thwart off a cat fight.

Out of Reach
If you have a household with cats along with dogs or children, the ability for your cat to retreat to a high perch is the best way for them to be left alone.  They may find a place where people and dogs cannot reach them and they can nap in peace.

Exercise and Playtime
If you have a cat tree that has multiple perches, this allows your cat the benefit of being able to climb, jump, and play on the structure.  This can be even more true for an indoor cat.  Placing a cat tree near a window is the perfect spot for your cat to keep an eye on prey activity happening outside.  Even though they won't be able to get to the prey, it becomes a form of cat TV for your feline friend.  

Even warm and cozy beds can become a chilly place for our cats if placed on the floor.  The floor can be drafty and chilly for your feline friend.  Perches and beds located on top of cat trees or elevated off the floor are farther from the draft and closer to the rising warm air.

Choosing the Right Perch or Tree for Your Cat
While cat-specific furniture is becoming more and more popular, most of those are made to please the human eye and are less likely to take felines into account in the design.  Perches need to be large enough for your kitty to sit on without having their back end or a leg hanging off.  If your cat cannot fit on their perch or tree, they may feel it’s a vulnerable spot and may not enjoy being in that spot.  Trees and perches that are “U” shaped or have a lip are great since your cat can lean against it.  This can give your cat a sense of being protected, having their back up to a wall or ledge.  Always take your cat's size and the way they enjoy curling up to nap into account when purchasing trees and perches.

Accommodate Seniors and Mobility Challenged Cats
Your cat should be able to enjoy perches and trees throughout their life.  Provide steps for cats who cannot reach perches or other favorite locations.  Look for cat trees with lots of platforms and perches so your cat can use them as steps to reach their favorite position on the tree.  

Cats sleep a lot.  Most cats will sleep up to sixteen hours a day, so make sure they have somewhere cozy and a place they feel safe to relax and nap.

If you are looking for care for your cats while you are away, consider hiring a professional pet sitter.  If you are located in the Naperville, Elmhurst, Villa Park or Lombard, IL communities give The Pet Lady a call at 847.802.9534.


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